Monday, March 14, 2011

This week...

So this week will be great once hubby gets paid! =] Thursday Kenna has her 15 month shot's dr appointment which won't be good on her part, BUT I get to get ink for my printer which ran out yesterday, Walgreens & Target shopping! Plus sometime this week I should get my $20 Target gift card from Plum district. I feel horrible for Kenna though because we have to miss baby yoga and she has to get shots. She looks forward to yoga and once she realizes we aren't on the highway to go to Springfield she will be bummed.. But I will get her ice cream after shots so she won't be too mad that we have to go shopping after. =]

I will post thursday my deals that I got to score! It won't be nearly as good as everyone elses deals since I am new but I am quite excited for what I have listed so far! =]

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hello everyone! I am a mommy to my beautiful 15 month old daughter and married to my best friend as of November 6, 2010. This will be my little area of space to write about the deals I score as I learn more and more about couponing and sales as well as getting my own space to write about the up's and downs of being a young mom while trying to have another baby! =]
I hope you come back!
